When forming your marketing strategy becomes all about Millennials (consumers born after Gen Xers, roughly from 1982 to 2000), you’re not necessarily doing anything wrong. Millennials are the most important generation to come along in the last 100 years, according to a recent Adroit Digital study. However, although Millennials are a population of more than 80 million, don’t forget the Baby Boomers when creating your marketing messages.
While it’s true Baby Boomers are nearing or past retirement age, that doesn’t mean they’re set in their brand preferences and should be ignored by marketers. As they reach a turning point in their lives, Boomers are making more informed spending decisions, but in perhaps different ways than they used to. In fact, a February 2014 survey by Market Strategies International showed Baby Boomers were more likely than Millennials to use consumer websites and publications to make purchasing decisions (as compared to Millennials, who are more likely to look to family, friends and social media influences).
What can you take away from this?
- Make sure your website is up to date with the latest information about your products and/or services.
- Include detailed descriptions of products and services, along with high-resolution photos, so Boomers know exactly what they’re getting.
- Offer introductory coupons online and printable coupons that Boomers can bring into your store or office.
- Display a contact phone number, email and/or virtual chat option so you can answer any questions as soon as possible while Boomers are researching your business.